Field Work

Field Education

Field education is the signature pedagogy for social work. The students are bestowed with an opportunity to transcend theoretical knowledge by engaging in educational endeavors that helps nurture their skills and appreciate the realities of coping with complex problems in the quest to improve the quality of life and subjective well-being of the society.

Orientation Visit to various NGOs

As per the Course demands the Students of First Year are to Visit ten Non Governmental and two Governmental Organizations. They are exposed to the various Functioning’s of the Organizations.

Orientation Visit to Narayana Hirudalaya and BMTC Shanthi Nagar by the Second Years

Field Work

The Students are placed in NGOs in the first year .They visit the Organizations on two days in a week. The students are requested to put in 25 days of Field Work as part of their curriculum.

In the second semester, the curriculum teaches various perspectives and diverse methods of Social Work, giving students the requisite theoretical foundation and professional skills to do Social Work. During third and fourth semesters, students concentrate on the specialization of their choice: Human Resource Management, Medical Psychiatric and Community Development. Students are involved in field work with selected agencies, both concurrent with academic courses and separately in blocks. In the fourth semester, students are required to do a research project with a social service organization in their area of specialization. This gives them exposure to the functioning of social service organizations, familiarizes them with their future roles in the profession and teaches them to do field-based research projects and create research reports and presentations.

Specializations Offered

Human Resource Management
Medical and Psychiatric
Community Development