St Claret: The Experience that matter

My four months at St. Claret have been nothing short of a dream come true. In some ways, it feels as though no time has passed at all but the growth I’ve seen in myself in this short time makes every moment of this experience valuable.

My journey with Claret started off with a call to the administration office to enquire about the admission process. This short call alone made me feel better because of how friendly and patient the staff were. The selection interview and admission after that went by with ease.

Like any other 18-year-old, I entered this new journey with a head full of dreams, anticipatory anxiety, questionably less pocket money, and a teeny bit of pixie dust. We were forced to start off this promising new journey in front of a lousy screen. But the teachers here made the online experience better with their fun and interactive classes.

My first day offline was nerve-wracking but heart-warming. Having been part of an extremely stressful and draining academic experience my entire life, I am taken aback by how friendly and approachable the teachers here are. Their approach to look at each student as a capable individual and the trust they hold in us gives us a sense of belonging and confidence. The “Euphoria” fest that followed helped me improve my talents, fight my fears, and network with students from other departments. “Mayurika” and “Infinix” are two other fests I look forward to participating in. The add-on courses that happen on a regular basis help me sharpen my skills and get a clearer outlook of my ambitions.

One of the most crucial parts of my experience is the amazing crowd I’ve had the chance to interact with and learn from. What makes friendships at Claret special is the diversity. With friends from Meghalaya to Kanyakumari, the learning never stops. Post-class hangouts under the canteen umbrella with friends hold my favourite memories so far.

Overall, my first semester at Claret has been a big boost to my emotional and professional growth and I look forward to more such experiences. Here’s to more Samosa and Tea!

A budding Claretine,
Nirnitha R