The Proud Claretine

Those wide-open gates
Will no longer welcome me
Will they?

The sight of this beautiful campus,
I will miss, and can anything replace you?

Those huge and old trees,
Which welcomed me with cool breeze;
Who boosted my energy every morning?
And filled me with positivity,
Will I find someone like you?

The Gallery
Where I sit relaxed and calm,
Recalling memories,
Wondering at my school and college,
The family with whom I spent my past seventeen years,
Will my workplace be the same as you?

And I do know the answer
To all of my questions.
I wish I stayed longer,
But now it's time to bid a farewell.
My heart feels heavy;
As it’s time to leave.
My words are not enough;
To describe what you gave me.
My journey in this campus
Right from 2004,
Came to an end in 2020.
I leave the campus proudly,
A Claretine for the past seventeen years
I proudly say,
Yes, I'm a Complete Claret Product,
I was a Claretine,
I'm a Claretine,
And I will always remain as a Claretine,
And will rejoice in these memories.